Episode 95: Disappearing Acts: The Real Cost of Client Ghosting

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Today, we’re diving into a topic that, quite frankly, is the worst: ghosting. Ghosting occurs when potential clients vanish from your inbox after initial contact, leaving you hanging on their response. Or maybe you’ve been the one who has done the ghosting. It’s a frustrating scenario, but more common than you may think. 

How to Recover from Being Ghosted As a Business Owner 

**1. Follow Up, But Don’t Overdo It** 

Initially, it’s essential to follow up with your potential clients at least two or three times. Life happens; they might have been distracted, your email could have landed in spam, or they simply forgot to respond. Sending a follow-up not only reminds them of their interest but also shows that you value their potential business. However, there is a balance—you don’t want to turn into a pest by bombarding them with messages. Hence, after a couple of follow-ups, bless and release. Understand that ghosting happens, and not every lead will turn into a client. Remember, what is meant for you will come to you. 

**2. Stay Positive and Professional** 

Even if you’ve been ghosted, stay positive and professional with every follow-up. You never know when a ghosted client could return or refer someone to you. Maintain your integrity and kindness; it speaks volumes about you and your business.We have experienced instances where clients who didn’t initially opt to work with us later became advocates, sending referrals our way. This is why staying positive and professional is crucial. 

**3. Be a Good Human** 

Always act with empathy. Understand that you don’t know what your potential clients are going through. They may be dealing with personal challenges that have distracted them from your correspondence. Treat people with the kindness you’d expect if roles were reversed. This level of empathy helps you grow as a business owner, making you more understanding and less likely to take the ghosting personally. 

**4. Reflect, Learn, and Adapt** 

Reflect on why the ghosting might have occurred. Was your approach too aggressive? Did you provide too much or too little information? Use these instances to refine your methods. Constructive criticism is a gift—embrace it and improve your business strategies. We often remind each other that rejection is protection, a way of keeping misaligned clients or projects at bay. 

How to Avoid Ghosting as a Potential Client 

**1. Show Up and Communicate** 

If you’ve scheduled a call or expressed interest in a product or service, show up and communicate. If circumstances change, let the business know promptly. A simple, “I’m not interested” or “It’s not the right fit” is respectful and appreciated. Ghosting isn’t just frustrating; it can lead to missed opportunities for other clients waiting for your spot. 

**2. Be Honest or Politely Decline** 

If you’re no longer interested or can’t afford the product/service, be honest. Or, if honesty feels uncomfortable, a polite excuse will suffice. The important thing is to provide some form of closure. This allows businesses to move forward without the guilt or question marks lingering in their minds. 

So basically what we want to convey is…don’t do it. It doesn’t feel good on the receiving end, so do your best to be transparent and responsive…don’t be the one doing the Ghosting!

Final Thoughts 

Ghosting is an unpleasant reality in business. However, handling it with grace and professionalism can turn these experiences into opportunities for growth and learning. Whether you’re a business owner coping with being ghosted or a potential client unsure how to back out gracefully, remember to always act with empathy and integrity. We say this often—be a good human.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you scale or pivot your business, feel free to set up a discovery call using the link in our show notes. And if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review. We love hearing from you! We look forward to helping you reboot and refine your business. Until next time!


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Website: www.thebusinessreboot.com


Corry and Melissa

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